Analog Dakar Club #8 – Boribana
It’s a focus on Guinean artists from the 1970’s mostly on the Syliphone label, devoted to instil a sense of national identity by reigniting the arts and cultural practices of Guinea by president Ahmed Sékou Touré. To fulfilling these aims was the government’s cultural policy of authenticité, which saw the creation of a network of arts troupes across the nation. Guinean musicians were encouraged to create modern versions of the traditional songs of their respective regions and the authenticité policy produced many outstanding recordings. Formed in 1967, the Syliphone label became the central distributor of Guinean music. I didn’t resist to the pleasure of playing the full A side of Bembeya Jazz National “Regards sur le passé” who tells the story of the great Almamy Samoury Touré, the last emperor of the Wassoulou.
Here’s the tracklist :
Virtuoses Diabaté : “N’Fa”
Vicky Blain : “Yoni Conakry”
Super Boiro Band : “Sokho Yo”
Camayenne Sofas : “Gbamuyale”
22 Band : “Atoni Yarabi Lema”
Keletigui et ses Tambourinis : “Kebakele”
Bembeya Jazz National : “Regard sur le passé” (part one)
Les Amazones de Guinée : “Tayesala”
Mory Kanté : “Mariam N’Kanou”